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Why does sight-reading matter?

Strong sight-readers will be able to...

Learn pieces more quickly

Build a broader repertoire

Play at any given time

Become better musicians

What does the challenge include?

Every day for 5 days in a row, you'll receive an e-mail from me.

The e-mail contains links to a video (between 5-10 minutes long) where I will walk you through a set of challenges designed to improve your sight-reading skills and help you become more confident in tackling new music.

These links don't expire, so you can kick off your 5-day challenge whenever it works best for your schedule!

The framework taught in the challenge can be applied to any level of piano music, but the passages in the challenge are elementary-level and become progressively more difficult.

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10 minutes a day for 5 days.

That's it.

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No Risk Guarantee!

Duis sem odio, aliquet in lobis in, porta eu tellus. Suspendis vel vestibul.

What Our Customers Say

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Duis sem odio, aliquet in lobortis in, porta eu tellus. Suspendisse vel vestibulum libero. Nunc turpis leo, convallis id sodales a, imperdiet sodales enim. Vestibulum cursus vehicula pulvinar. Morbi ullamcorper congue lectus.

Nicole Walters

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PayPal selected.

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